Sort of brag post, very sorry but this is just my inner fan squeeing ridiculously.

 1003290_680963045263661_1676637070_n (cropped from a full set, please click through to see the others!)




Totally unexpected because really,  I’m not exactly top of the search hits (unless you specifically look for Talon and 501st in a search)  and there are so many of us 🙂 But yay 🙂 hard to explain exactly why, but when an artist appreciates your work it is just kind of a groovy to be part of a feedback loop of inspiration 🙂 And it inspires me to get off my butt and get my page finished so I can share experiences about making the darn thing and hopefully helping others not fall in to the same problems I did 🙂


So I don’t think I have a chance of finding this card at all, but there are trading card sites so I will start stalking them once the current set are out in the wild 🙂


And just to play catch up:

Star Wars Galaxy 7 Trading cards by Robert Hendrickson (also here on tumblr, follow my pretties!)

395043_10150636181873242_1483714657_n 393335_10150640736513242_436893329_n 390040_10150636183318242_652678495_n (also cropped from sets so please click through)

Star Wars Canon! As Daala, but face changed but yay because I can still wear this costume for the next 30 years!

tumblr_mg1940dEZh1qmwgm9o10_1280(cropped from a PPT which is pretty darn funny about the EU but is originally from a recent novel)


But I think the criticism can be laid at the feet of pretty much anyone in charge on the dark side because it is rare for them to win!


And sketches I now own! And all funds went to make  Wish which makes them that little lot bit extra special.

534493_10150978525558964_758345993_n 425083_10151126218869623_431084114_n (again please click through to see the full images- I have kept these images small so you have to see the artists pages 😉 )


Anyway, I have been offered a few photoshoots of my costumes over the next few months so I’m going to try and get over my fear of the camera and do so, because the joy I feel at being able to inspire in any small way leads me to want to show how much I have been inspired. And convention photos rarely allow for this.

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