-shae vizla
(Photo by Sylvie of Little-Noise photography.)
(Photos by Jayce Williams)
(Photos by Matt Glasgow of SWNZ.)
Many thanks to Matt and Kristy for their help and hosting and taking many awesome images that follow????
What you mean I play the game as well?? Yes, I’m on The Harbinger with my Shae Wannabe running around with pink hair and a pink speeder (Rose Aratech, I seriously want to build one for real, so much acrylic to heat form!!!)
And so then in character I got to Shoot All The Things! Bounty Hunters, can’t take them anywhere:
For Balmorra and Belsavis! That is the famous Roxy. So glorious. (Yes I know a Collicoid is not an Acklay)
And met amazing people:
And stormed the Rebels:
Took a taxi, er, speeder to Endor:
And eventually was caught and repackaged:
Status: Wearable
Year finished: 2012
To Do: resize some elements
Updates since last photo: n/a
Inspiration: Shae Vizla from SW:TOR
Oh and in case you didn’t notice, it’s pretty fun in Shae’s shoes. So much fun.
Except in the Marriott elevators.