progress, reinspiring

Inspiring afternoon spent sorting through the back room 🙂 I found a few old projects that I may just redo now that I have them all in one corner and can see how much work would be involved.

Hannibal/Elissa costume. I found my old bodice and new velveteen (needs colour to be deepened) and rope skirt. Also my sarees that were going to be cut to trim all the edges.

Mon Mothma. I didn’t think I’d cut the sleeves out as well but I have so the tunic just needs hemming and then the tabbard can be made. No hurry but it’s not taking up too much room so I’ll keep it. I really like the fabric I used anwyay.

Green Velvet 1860s dress. Well the skirt has been cut and partially sewn. I may unpick and line it though.

Blue velvet 1500s Flemish. This is the Eowyn dress unpicked. I finally have all the pieces so will look at what to line it with. I adore the figure of Clotho in The Triumph of Fame so am very tempted to line it all in a peachy pink.

Phantom Wedding dress. All the little rosettes I made… and my lace would look beautiful for this skirt… I don’t know. I will probably at least fix the bodice and then see how I like it all still.

Carlotta from the movie, Hannibal ensemble: skirt, corset and lining for the cloak are all there. The jewellery and wig would be really fun.

Mme X, the bodice is now miles to big, but I will see how much fabric i have left for the skirt as it will make a really nice evening gown full stop let alone as an historical piece.

Shot green skirt and fabric pieces, my 1870s spring garden gown. The bodice is in my room and I may just overlock all the layers so that I can really try and see how I like the fit thorugh the shoulders. Then the drapery will be simple panniers and train. With flowers all over 😉

Lucy lilac and white dress. I really do want to make this as an inspired by gown instead.

With the UFOs in my room I think I have enough projects to keep me going for a while 🙂

So what do I have in my room?

Catwoman, Witchblade (bodysuit redo), Imperial crew uniform, TIE, Mara, supendous gown of doom (Worth sunburst), remake of my Cleves (my icon), tabs for the Cleves surcoat….

Yeah, so no stress to make anything new 😉

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