sunburst- pink version
Sadly the photo does it so little justice, you need the Taschen book to really appreciate how stunning the trimming actually is.


I just realised something: Japonism in Fashion, New Zealand Jul. -Oct. 2003, at the Museum of New Zealand, Te papa Tongarewa, Wellington Dec. 2003-Mar. 2004, at the Christchurch Art Gallery, Te Puna O Waiwhetu, Christchurch.

I know I wanted to go and now I really wish I had. I think “my” worth gown would have been in it πŸ™ Well Worth’s copy of his own gown but in pale pink rather than pale yellow and with c1893 huge sleeves πŸ˜‰ But the embroidery was the same.



DRESSTUDY Vol. 55 (Spring 2009)γ€€38p. 500 yen +S&H fee: 200yen・
CONTENTS LECTURE: Luxury in the Western Culture by Koichi KABAYAMA
Bourgeois Luxury in Seventeenth-Century Germany: A Costume Collection in the Hessisches Landesmusum Darmstadt by.Johannes PIETSCH πŸ˜€

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