sunburst adjustments

November 14th, 2010, 11:05 pm

So I did manage to bust out the Sunburst skirt and sew it up enough to start sewing over the pattern. But there are two thick blue pencil marking the width of one of the skirts which is narroer than what I went with. That said I can most easily rectify this but moving the side panels in to that line, redraw the pattern on the side gores.

And I just got side tracked from my hunt for the two Sunburst dresses in my reference art and tex> Latishhistoric> latevicrefs folder… So much yumminess saved from ebay and auction sites. And even more in reference art and text> Latishhistoric> 1870s-1880sbustlenfbustle

Found her 🙂 Yes the narrower skirt is right for this dress so I’ll do exactly that; take the skirt in at the front and add the pattern to the side gores 🙂 Now to sort those folders out.

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