


Samara from the Mass Effect series

Cosplayer: glittersweet

Photographer: krisez

Yay! always like to see photographers credited 🙂 It’s got me pondering though- how do you credit the costumer if a cosplay was not self made and you are at a convention…. I’ve even had people flat out refuse to say who made their costume.

Hoping against hope to be able to fit Liara in my luggage but the stress is piling up before D*C and I may not be able to make it.

Love the costume, and I know for a fact that this was self made, not store bought of bought from a costume maker.  but agreed its always nice to give credit where credit is due.

Yep, made by me (just in case this reblogging cuts off bits of text) 😉 But I have had people outright state that my work was made by someone else…

Sigh. I don’t know how you make that distinction in a big crowded convention. I mostly try and focus on those who do care about the distinction (I firmly believe in following your own bliss but being honest about it*) and also appreciate those who appreciate my work regardless of where they think it came from. And to let the rest just go.

*For me it is the process and seeing a project to the end. If the character is very dear to me I also love to try and capture the character in photographs. To date the easiest has been Shae Vizla and Darth Talon. Speaking of which I really should get a tumblr set of D*C and C6

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