Many thanks to Matt and Kristy for their help and hosting and taking many awesome images (I think all but one linked here) 🙂
And so then in character I got to Shoot All The Things! Bounty Hunters, can’t take them anywhere:
For Balmorra and Belsavis! That is the famous Roxy. So glorious.
And met amazing people:
And stormed the Rebels:
Took over the Imperials:
Took a taxi, er, speeder to Endor:
And eventually was caught and repackaged:
More people shared on Facebook but it is being a pain to deal with but I have been able to get a few shared to my page:
though they are intersperced with a few rants about the flights back and other projects 🙂
I still need to harvest in progress photos from a few cameras so will try and do a progress update.
I have just bought more material to redo the chest and back plates, saving up for replacement bodysuit too 🙂
Oh and in case you didn’t notice, it’s pretty fun in Shae’s shoes. So much fun. Except in the Marriott elevators.