shae vizla rules: It’s more fun in groups :)
shae vizla rules: It’s more fun in groups 🙂
I have only grown up or behbeh toons so today when helping a friend through the Tomb of Junta Pall I had so much fun, and potential for new stories right from the start 🙂
Behbeh toons 🙂
So the full list for my pals :
The HarbingerEmdibi, Bounty Hunter, Mercenary, Arsenol (missiles and healing mix) 50 (light)
Tykhi, Sith Inquisiter, Sorcerer, Lightning tree (zaps and some healing) 50 (light)
Eyris, Sith Inquisiter, Assassin (stealth, zaps and smacks) 17(DAAAAARK)
Imako, Sith Warrior, Maruder, debating between two damage trees), 13 (grey)
Lamassa, Bounty Hunter, 2 (?)
Neimhaille, Jedi knight, Sentinel, 13 (light)
Nyeliel, Jedi Consular, Sage, (light, atm)
Zuhess, Trooper, 15? (light)
Looking at adding baby Imp Agent to share with new friends grouping 🙂