Currently at over 40 in progress costumes. Some of those I am passing on to others (especially smaller costume parts- underbust corset, Codex costume, Leia, padme costumes).

Photo one: stack of drawers with all my lace and most trims & two Asari headpieces sitting on top
Wardobe of unfinished projects (sci-fi/fantasy and historic inspired as well as one or two pieces for others).
Upper shelf of leather scraps and costumes to pass on, vintage fur coat for SCA sleeve replacement.
Very top soft foam and garment bag of feathery yarn

Photo two: Wardobe of SCA and Victorian strictly historic costumes.
Drawers of wardrobe full of notions and sewing hardware.
Stand alone shelf of beads and buckles and highly decorated pieces for in progress costumes.
Above shelf box of own drafted patterns, leaves and feathers.
Behind the empty (amen!) containers is five containers of uncut fabric you can just make out some of the top box overspill.

Photo three: my holds with three manniquins in front.

Not shown is my desk area or tool shelves. These still need a lot of work to make them usable.

Please note my current wardrobe of finished costumes is smaller than unfinished and my total costumes to date is sadly no longer able to be counted, well into the hundreds. But that includes all my really crappy work!

Also points for working out individual projects in the wardrobe 😉 They are organised by genre (Mass  Effect, SW, fantasy/comics, historicish).

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