Base and Buff:
The first is great, really great to get “natural” looks that work well under camera. I’m now old enough that I have been worrying about foundation settling where I don’t want it to but was intoduced to the most fabulous tool ever. The “stipple” or airbrush brush. Can’t miss them they are usually synthetic and have dense black fibres and then longer finer white fibres that extent to form a flat top.
I have this one and looooove it 🙂 Going to get a second one. I have Revlon Color Creations and pump that into my hand and literally stipple and sweep the liquid on lightly and wow. What a difference! Those stay put make ups tend to get really tacky really quickly so I now do this immediately after moisturising (Aveeno in this case, not for paint, I’ll get to that later!) and might even put a little in with the foundation.
For human tones (or in that range close to my own) I use the same brush (sweeping motion) to set with powder which helps keep the brush from clumping which makes it easier to clean after. Isopropyl Alcohol and a gentle cloth for this one.
For the greenifying above I took a densely coloured powder and a velour puff and just buff with it in to the foundation, lightly then more firmly to get a nice even colour. But your own skin underneath shows through a little and so you don’t need to shade and highlight quite as much as you do with paint.
In both cases the green was by ChiChi and in a compressed compact. Lovely rich colour. And really reasonably priced.
I also used Liquiset and PAX (prosthetic Aide and acrylic paint) for line details where suitable. PAX for under neck and liquiset around eyes.
They are also mica rich so I avoided flash photography where possible. With a setting spray my hands stayed pretty green all evening but you can see some wear under the metal necklace and my hands in the Wvil Queen photo.
BTW, the fauna of the Juncle costume was my Witchblade costume with extra bits added. All caulk silicon mixed with pigments and powdered into metallic hyper shine. Like a beetle carapace.