Cave Dwellers Anonymous: Question #2 – Reaching for Weapons
Cave Dwellers Anonymous: Question #2 – Reaching for Weapons
So playing my sentinel, K’Surda, I kept noticing that she would cross her arms to reach for her sabres. I wondered how viable that actually was and made the motions myself.
Guess what animators? My breasts are kind of in the way and it would be so much easier to just reach two inches down for the…
I believe it’s because in the films, jedi carry their lightsabers on the left side of their belt, they reach across with their right hand to grab their ‘main hand’ hilt. So if you carry two, your off-hand weapon would be on your right hand side belt, but held in your left hand. But you’re right, it’s awkward to grab both at the same time.
You carry your main hand weapon on the opposite side in western martial arts as well 🙂 When you are drawing a full blade it is easier to do so more quickly this way, you can hold the scabbard with your off hand and draw the blade with the main.
Check plate two, figure on the left 🙂
And no you don’t draw main and offhand at the same time (offhand could be anything from a buckler to a dagger to a pistol). I mainly remember rapier and dagger as that’s what I had some training in but I am pretty sure the same is true for sabre and short sword. Not sure about Eastern, but I’m pretty sure I have seen this practice in film at least 🙂
But yeah, a light sabre is a different beast and only a hilt when worn so it probably makes more sense to draw it like a gun.
Lots of info here about wearing a scabbard but you can also scroll down to the images embedded 🙂 Interesting stuff 🙂