Always Act, Never React.: So, a few of you might've been around last night where I received a very nasty message from an anonymous person.
Among those messages were several I did not post, detailing the facts: I was worthless, fat and a terrible Dinah, both in RP and in cosplay.
Somehow, word got out on Twitter.
And my hero/inspiration of cosplay sent me a message.
Which was awesome, but I was still feeling kind of yucky.
You are more like Dinah than some anonymous jackass insulter could be if they lived to be a million.
🙁 Shaming of any sort really upsets me. But the worst part is that even when we know they are ridiculous or trolling or say far more about the insulter than the insultee… they still have an effect.
It really is just like monkeys throwing poo. The poo thrower stinks but it does still leave a stink where it lands too, and for some reason there is more shame in having the stuff land on you than throwing it out. In fact the throwers are egged on to do more. We really are fixated on dominance…
Keeping this short to show support rather than redirect, but yeah, I know that feel. Every time I make a comment about costuming or have a photo up of my work. E.Ver.Y.Time.