
Today I wrote up a proposal for Armageddon cosplay events, kind of nervous even though I have been involved for such a long time. Really hoping we can do this, as it would help everyone. And I do mean everyone!
But I also managed to score some nice make up items:
three wide foundation brushes for all my paint! I love these. Not quite moppy like a round natural fbre and not really as hard edged as a flat. Perfect for loading paint to cover limbs.
One stipple brush for foundation because I really needed a back up. they are easy to clean but I do tend to forget between events. Funnily enough with all the stage work in my past and all the body painting currently i don’t tend to want to wear make up day to day 😉
Foundation in my colour! Pasty pinkish ginga white! I am cool toned so most make up is totally wrong on me. Also it appears to do what it says on the bottle. A bit perfumey for me but it does dissipate fairly quickly.
One liquid eyeliner. It’s a MAC!

Onehunga DressMart is actually pretty good 🙂 The “bling” shop no longer sells elf brushes though 🙁 So my foundation brushes are BYS and they are doing three for the price of two.

I set up and then ignored my scanner for Talon- but tidied the rest of the tatoos enough that I can use basic tools in photoshop to tidy and create white spaces between each piece. I also had antihistamines and then did not go a splashing with resin. But both those will happen this week at some stage. On course for slow turtle paced progress but I am also trying to get that balance of sleep and rest as well.

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