Real and new content! I promise!
Finally got the lace all applied to my silk for my Lucy dress. Yes, it has been ongoing for years. I mean yeeeeeeears.
Twice hand sewn (loosely) then machine stitched with straight stitch then zig zagged. Same effect on the sleeve wrists and on the bodice.
I also got my togruta mold in the sun, it was raining this morning and now, boom! Sun! So the molds are heating nicely right through which should mean I can pry the molds apart when I expected to….
I also used the last of my latex to splash in my turian and asari molds 🙂 I’m casting the Samara eyebrow piece again 🙂 But I have so very little left that I need to save it for any repairs. I also did some repairs 🙂 So I now have three full Turian pieces to find new hones for (scalp, jaw, mandibles, and face makes five pieces each, it’s a fair bit of latex!)