I should be asleep, but infusion tomorrow!

The second one.

So I have just loaded my drive with soundtracks. I can’t actually do much (left hand is a bit useless with the iv line and all) so I have entertainment at least. And I may nap a bit. And play some card games on my netbook.

But I have the ME2 and ME3 soundtracks and SWTOR’s soundtrack and the opening cinematics and all my POTO.

Might be alone from lunchtime so anyone with my number send me a txt 🙂 I can have maybe two visitors at a time (allocated seats) and it’s a fairly quiet ward. Right. Now to pack my pink dressing gown and pills and Creeper Kitty!

Also no live updating as I have no data 🙁


In other news- I have tried to get my LJ XML to parse correctly but it is still not properly formatted, so I have a new program that should help me spot where I have goofed. It may even help me fix my entries from August to now. And find my pages I also killed (Rachi and the fibreglassing ones for sure.

The down side to using an on site tool. With html it’s so much grunt work and effort to update but you have a nice secure back up on your HDD. And I have found my latest exports are not being read by WP after all.

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