My heart is tiring me out
My bp read as 90/60 at my GP my my rate was in the triple figures. It’s 90 at rest. At 9am. It’s not electrical but he is looking in to my HMS and alsogetting cortisol levels checked etc to see if it is endocrine. And referring me to a blood pressure clinic.
Ehem it may be a bit bollocks that any reading under 120 is good. Like a terrible lie. Just as any BMI under such and such is healthy, No.
This may well be what has caused my wonderful “get thee to he first aid” incidents. Basically yeah exhaustion from my heart trying to beat fast enough to get BP up. And failing.
This is my first time sitting up since seeing my gp. A bullion cube and an Up and Go and a hot tea and chocolate is helping. Tonight I need to find an old cosplay certificate and rebuild them for this year. And start the list of entries and create a template to put in the gmail account for anyone else with access.
I have only one worry that I won’t get things printed in time. I should if I can get ahead tonight.