Kickstarter! Tailor’s pattern books

I know both Marion and Katherine through the German Renaissance Costume group and lj for years and they are both incredible researchers. This is a book I am funding, just need to grab one of the slots!

So the first thing you see is a thumbnail of a pattern. This is all you need to know before even the other wordy nerdy stuff (which I have seen snippets of and will be wonderful to have in print!

Have you spotted why it is amazing? Look under the bust. What do you see. If I link you to this:

Die Kostümsammlung Hüpsch im Hessischen Landesmuseum Darmstadt
Bestandskatalog der Männer- und Frauenkleidung
Studien zu Material, Technik und Geschichte der
Bekleidung im 17. Jahrhundert
Johannes Pietsch

In the appendices there are the patterns he made of the extant garments but also a handful of images from extant tailoring books including:

(page 329) abb. 111: Schnitt eines Frauenwamses aus dem Musterbuch der Schneider von Enns, 1590

(page 324) abb. 92: Schnitt fuer Rock und Mieder einer Braut aus dem Meisterstueckbuch der Schneiderzunft se Swabach, spaetes 16. Jr. So this may the master book Katherine refers to. Btw this has a gored skirt and doublet bodice and a scooped neck bodice and a circle skirt? I can’t read beyond basic lengths “1 1/2 e(squiggle that probably means el) lang”


So yes I have been eyeing these original sources for some time but I had no way of getting at them! Couldn’t even back track through this appendix to find where some of the books were even still housed! So Yay! this means I can go forward with my own interpretive book as I have planned for about 6 years now.. okay more like 7.. erm… because I will at last have sources to point people to in my own appendix. At the moment a lot of it is “private emails with K. Barich” so.. yeah 🙂

Ditto with the book based on the journal I have been sifting through 🙂 Might see if I can ILL that. And seriously it was full of gossip, so full of gossip. Local and European wide.

So back on Koeln train baby!

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