Not health, or health that isn’t

Not health, or health that isn’t

I have slept for 36 hours and am still exhausted. So… I’m not entirely sure if I will be going anywhere any time soon.

I have had my sinuses cleared officially, finally. Letter from the hospital: no growths or polyps (noice…). That said I must now be flur free because my nose is back to being too dry.

But another letter from the hospital for another visit next month so I need more blood and pee tests (whee!) and another letter from my GP for my last Hep B vaccine. Which may have to be next week as I’m not convinced I am virus free.

Anyway, my Take My Stuff day is organised and I have enough brain to wave to piggy butt (piggy bank has his slot in his rump) and say “yep take that” or “hang on I think I am still working on that….” So as today is sunny I’ll try and make use of it. No doing anything that requires full brain because I am drifting in an out of focus. You have no idea what word salad is happening on screen and behind my eyelids….

I think it’s the lovely iron depletion and non restoration because it’s hard to get a good breath. So everything feels like it’s after a big run.


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