Even more maelficent references

Even more maelficent references

These are all from my insomniac moments so were all over my bookmarks in my netbook.


Presskit. Pretty darn amazing.




Making of Maleficent presentation. Someone did take notes from this which is how I found it.





Updated really quickly though there is not an easy way to view them in order of addition or in movie.



Particularly big stills on the click throughs.



Just differently worded discussion of the make up and horns.



The designer of some of the jewelry



A really nice article with a few different texture swatches than have been seen before.



Very in depth page on the CGI elements.



THE HAND PAINTED LENSES!!! AND the woman who did them 🙂



See, buns for supporting horns/lekku etc. It’s not a made up thing 🙂 I think the slots on the top of the support also pass her hair through and you can then pin/tie behind an use front hair and extensions to hide everything.


Evil Fairy clip, the darn tabbard is closed all around so I am now a bit lost as to how to make this work. Her robes turn in to an open cape as she races across the moors. That may be the CG model but surely they didn’t just cut out her robes for this? Mind you the original robes make zero sense in terms of layers and cronstruction…

A quick look, but in HD of the  London exhibition.

July 5, 2014  

2 Responses to “Even more maelficent references”

  1. Kristen / 6 Jul 2014 11:38pm #WOuld love to know what paints are used to hand paint lenses, must be something that sinks into the lense itself rather than sit on top, more like an ink than a paint.

    Makes sense with the buns for the horns to sit on, Angie has such lovely thick long hair, it has to go somewhere. Though she also says little little buns, which makes me think of the time i had my long hair put up under a wig by Fiona Cush, who worked for Optic Nerve. She twisted my hair into many many teeny little buns that could then be flattened onto my head with pins and then the wig was laid on top. Might be a combo of both techniques to smooth out her hair that flat.


  2. Kristen / 6 Jul 2014 11:42pm #the contact lense company site – http://www.eyeinkfx.com/


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