Head cast update

Head cast update

I am very slow at this, yay for the fatigue and the pain hitting at different times, anyway:

Casts trimmed and prepped for putting together:

Cunning use of a foam wig head to make the side match up:

Single layer of thick matting around the seam- yep it’s pretty open.

The neck does meet and that was where I made sure to get the two parts together.

So this is basically me with my hair being a bit of a pain and filling out the sides. My separate ear pieces are still in plaster.


The ears should be able to be tackled tomorrow. The plaster is breaking down nicely.

Still disconcerting seeing my stressed out smile. Sheesh. It’s actually in part due to my vampire fangs and in part due to jaw tension. If anyone ever sees me making faces while at a photoshoot, this is what I am trying to avoid.

Also it’s a bit genetic. My brother has the same turned up corners. I think we both get people assuming we are smirking.

No but seriously I thought I’d have a frown and pursed lips based on this thing, not looking like some renaissance painting of a saint.

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