by admin, July 13, 2014



Top: Shimmer Sheetz turquoise, Shimmer Sheets iris blue, Josey Rose cornflower blue sequin film. Middle: Athena aqua green, Athena cornflower blue? Bottom: turquoise 3mm sequin fabric. With duo blue/green on left, plain on right. So I appear to have gotten the cornflower blue by accident the first time. But this is good! Now I have a proper full comparisson for anyone wanting to mix known and tested colours. It’s interesting to compare the hues of these similarly named products as they really are all very different! I think I may wind up using the Shimmer Sheets and sequin film for my own gown. The Athena cornflower blue however really is great as a match to the Disney doll colours- even if the name suggests a warmer blue than it is. They are significantly darker than the Shimmer Sheets or film. The Aqua green is very green indeed with very little of the purple interference. But it may be possible to dye these so I will sacrifice some to iDye poly to see 🙂 But yes, pretty sure I want to cut my own just need to get the shape into a file. It really will be halfway between the pre-cut and scanner pre-set shapes.

no responses for ELSA SEQUIN UPDATE, WHOOPS!

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