So I did a list as I do this sort of thing before sleeping:
Left shelves, top to bottom:
1; 1830s straw bonnet, wool shawl (modern ear east, so actually perfect for 1830s, vivid green and purple scarf- mainly protecting the wool.
2: Satine Black Diamonds corset and tails and shoes (missing heel)
3: Victorian undies; calico multifunctional petticoat, marron short tournure (bustle), gathered knickers, pockets (yeah, 18thC, shh)
4: Too much bling: jewelery for all historic and non historic, gloves ditto, and moder tights.
5: Victoria blue twill hunting outfit (bodice, skirt,and knickerbockers), Mina bodice and trail pieces.
6: White cotton day dresses: 1810s; striped outer layer and sateen petticoat), 1830s windowpaned cotton, and 1906 self striped.
7: 16thC accessories: Cleves headresses, cauls, two suits of ruffs, extra sleeves. Shoes.
8: 16thC undies: two medium linen square necked chemises, one medium linen high necked shirt, one sheer linen low necked chemise, one semi fitted fine silk chemise,and one chiffon
9: Blue wool twill jerkin and sleeves, black velveteen Spanish doublet and Manga de Punta (large hanging sleeves.
10: Cleves accessories: heuke (wool half circle cloak hangs from the head), plain velvet partlet, braided velvet partlet, wool partlet, hanging sleeves in teal wool (lined in silk) for gown on hanger), red linen hanging sleeves (for red linen dress on hanger).
11: Full Cleves schaube style robe (dark green wool gabardine, lined in ginger faux fur)
12: Mon Mothma tabbard and fluffy gown.
Open section, top to botton:
Shelf 1: Twilek head tentacles (Rachi and Darth Talon)
Shelf 2: Satine black diamond hat in pieces, behind that; pin wig and extra pieces, black and white wig. Box of Asari tentacles, Turian face mask, Chrstine Daae wig (90s fluffy frizzy style), Elsa wig, Shae wig
Hanging: 1560s Westphalian gown (the red bee), 1520s swiss wool (HAND SEWN!!!!! as in hand needle, 1560s Spanish black velveteen skirt, 1560s cleves teal wool and silk middle class, 1560s red and black linen Cleves working class dress, Danielle’sEver After ball gown, 1810s silk velvet spencer, 1882 era blue day dress (blue dress from Phatom of the Opera, Imperial Officers tunic, BRD Lucy lilac and striped silk garden dress, BSD Mina red sil “absinthe” gown- skirt and draperies alone.
Black suitcase: Reinette silver and white francaise and duchesse petticoat, 1520s lilac wool and maroon velvet Swiss gown, deep orage 1480s open front Burgundia gown.
On top of container: light saber blades, Black Widow sniper rifle, Shae’s rifle, part of a Vibro-Axe, Maleficent staff.
In Container: full scale patterns, several sketch books, paper for portolios, mini portfolio, pattern diagrams, patters from OOP books.
small container top: small props and smaller componants of props on large container, Shae Vizla helmet.
Small container bottom: Shae Vizla armour and jet pack and bodysuit.
Shelves on right:
1: Human Huntress and part of a spoof warrior costume.
2: Dawn (bodysuits and skirt), Jem belt, Galadriel chest jewelery.
3: Regina boots and coat
4: Maria Hill SHEILD uniform
5: Original sith: Cloak and skirt, wrap top, thigh armour, shin armour, boot caps, bicep armour, arm and leg wraps.
6: Rachi Sitra: tunic, fitted tunic, tabbards, obi, head wraps, arm wraps, pants, and boots, and saber hilt. Imperial officer cap and belt, and breeches.
7: Mara: Bodysuit, greaves, blaster, holster, harness, cowl, goggles, and gloves, and saber hilt
8: Talon: body armour (greaves, thighs, bracers, biceps, hands, and antenae), bikini top and bottom, thigh and arm covers, boots, gloves, and headpiece with ear buds, and saber hilt
9: Liara: Bodysuit and jacket combo, greaves and gautlets, gloves and boots.
10+ 11: Blood Dragon arour and boduit and boots. Also accessories to make Turian.
12: Catwoman: bodysuit, corset, gloves, cowl, boots, and whip.
Ummm aside from a few accessories these where researched out the wazoo and made by me from fabric, plastic sheet, plastic tubes, fibreglass and other form of goop.