by michaela de bruce, August 19, 2014

Yup. The colour remover is pretty magic 🙂

I just stripped the dye out of my rayon satin and the colour run on the net 🙂 That’s a good 15m of fabric!

And the satin was coral red!

Currently got the silk soaking in Dylon permanent colour tiny pots. Two black and two navy which should get the maroon neutralised and darkened.

I’ll leave it in the sink for a few more hours. This is the last chance for this fabric. If this doesn’t work I’ll be recycling the silk for another purpose. The weft cords are much reduced now that it has been washed again. Not sure why but okay. Obviously the warp and weft have different densities so that when shrunk from washing and dyeing it winds up even at the end. But I haven’t ironed it again so I’m also not totally sure if that is a permanent change.

If it doesn’t dye I’m just going to fork out for, gah, habotai. Worst fabric ever to try and work with. Just sad Centrepoint doesn’t have a neverending supply of the $7/m black faille I lined my Valois gown with.


My horns are now also covered in black resin/aerosil. I managed to make it a very sticky mix so it is very textured but it is able to be sanded back easily 🙂 No proper texturing yet, I may have to wait until I can get some brushes sorted so I can also brush the surface with acetone.

Cleaning the paint off was not fun. This is why I did tint the resin black! I don’t want to have to remove primer. So much easier when the entire piece is chemically similar.


Okay it is very dark outside now! but it’s also 6.15 and boy has the day gone by fast.


And I need a top up on pain relief and incidentally on moisture for my hands.

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