Catching up- make up post

Catching up- make up post

It took a few days of forced sleep and a bit of support but today felt like a real day finally.

A proper wrap up later but for now just a few notes, tiny ones but that made  big difference.

Wigfashion on ebay. Recommended. Highly. Super highly. Small note though: definitely get the wigs with the tiny widow’s peak. Even if you don’t have one it balances the whole fake hairline better. In photos by others the hairline smooths out anyway.

Do clip as close as possible to the wig hairline (or if you ventilate the front a bit more to account for it.) I did about 5mm. Perfect when actually glued in place (I had time for Fauxriel, not for the others.) And mostly hidden when I was able to put securing pins in the front.

Also the hairline itself is quite deep. I had to fold the edges under to pin near my ears- so yes, these wigs are adaptable to high or low hairlines. I’ll need to cut my wigs to shape as the weight pushes my ears out (as per my Carlotta escapades!)

Circle lenses. OMG. OMG. I know there have been horror stories but as a veteran wearer of lenses they are no worse than the monthly lenses I had prescribed for years. Treat them as you should and with the right fitting and proper care and especially with regards to hydration (do not ever wear lenses straight from the bottle! Use lubricating drops not lens solution on your eyes!) and fit (these are larger so you must have the right base curve) and they are about the same risk.

I have had lenses tear on my eye. One tore right in half as I took my first blink. And they were purchased from my optician. So lenses are a risk to begin with.The lenses are thicker than the new generation of lenses- my eyes prefer them, but I am potentially in the group that benefit from bigger lenses (sclera lenses potentially.)

I won’t go as far as recommending them but I was wearing the Geo Mimi Princess in apple green all weekend (with appropriate care and using my eyedrops.) The base curve is superimportant. Super important.

Eyeliner. Note to self: The reason your liner was crap and was behaving like your very old liquid liner is because it was your very old liquid liner. Stop putting pens away at the same time as make up and this may not be an issue again. That goes for your liquid lip pen as well.

Argan oil is the shiznit. Okay so it is in a carrier of linseed and that is probably all you need but hey. Oil is finally your friend.

Silcon adhesive. Works for eyelashes and wig lines. Faster setting than PA and more flexible than.. the other stuff. Which I don’t use. Thingy. Spirit gum! And you can carefully pull the glue off the lashes. Yes the glue is solvent based but the speed of drying means that has evaporated off before you get to your eye. I used a cuticle tool (shortened bamboo skewer type) to dip in to the glue and sweep across the underside of the lashes. Seriously super fast. Only one issue where I tried gluing over a patch of skin that was still covered in moisturiser.

Skin prep is key. I did nearly nude make up for Fauxriel and Christine. It would have worked really well if I had my liquid lip base (as in lip stain) and proper eyeliner.

But I think we can call the “Photo Ready” line a success. I used the colour correcting primer and transluscent powder.

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