Not totally! But with the repeated delay in being able to handle wearing a costume I have undone some of the work I already did. Now I can implement my plans for the bodice and sleeves and all the rest 🙂 So I’ll be taking the shell bodice off and getting photos of the very well supported inner piece (with bust enhancers and every thing).
Right now though it feels like a norovirus mixed with flu, so totally not feeling any desire to get dressed in anything other than singlet and yoga pants right now! Probably won’t until well in to the new year unfortunately. It does mean the antibodies are working- they knock out a specific set of B cells so not only is there a reduction of protection against certain bugs but also that current attack is leading to massive cell death which means lots of nasty waste making me feel sick without being sick.. or maybe.. anyway.
Time for some paracetamol, metamide, and an ice pack for my head.