And I have only gone through 2000 images of Musee McCord. For Natural Form era photos. Specifically.
Because I need to remind myself what I am making 🙂 But I have a few more references from auctions to get up there. Many no longer work so I hope I have seller names somewhere!
Because the costumes in masquerade are lovely but many are really not period correct. But this might explain why.. a preference for just shortening the current stule, for Natural form.. this.. is… not modernly appealing!
Because I do plan on making one one day! I can get merino jersey quite easily 🙂
Classic examples of very very strong fashion themes in here. Cuirasse bodices, contrast texture/colour, checks, sheers, asymmetry, trains, walking skirts. Vertical lines and horizontal tucks! (gotta scan some Harper's Bazaar to compare. Arrow tabs!