Updated Mina gown page :)
Because I have been moving all the projects around and basically distracting myself from sequins sequins everywhere 🙂 Just got the lovely new bodice out of the WIP and am going to pull it apart! Yep. Going to remove the layers not needed and replace them with more form fitting fabric. After posting "snippet" (cough) from the Modern Dressmaking book about use of sateen for lining, I am just going to go for it 🙂
Status: Wearable
Year finished: 2011
To Do: possibly remake bodice and make temporary fastenings to the skirt, make ruched side panel, finish pretty corset to wear under.
Updates since last photo: New wig, then another new wig to replace that
Inspiration: Eiko Ishioka’s amazing design and the interpretation my the maker from Bram Stoker’s Dracula
Photos by Sylvie K. of Little Noise Photography.