weekend update
I have been a bit under the weather and also playing health catch up with doing a few Legion and solo things ๐ But I have finally sorted out a path for my workshops ๐
So today will be a mix of being at my desktop looking for my old proposals and reworking them, tidying old photos from 2003-2011 (yep got to Dec 2010!) to put them back on my site now that I have the storage and bandwidth to cope.
Did I even explain my site has been somewhere since.. 1999? Well yes, even earlier but that was my fandom page so not quite the same.
Over that time I have had to edit my photos to fit constraints of hosting and of accessing- a lot of time my difficulties uploading outweighed a small upgrade in hosting services.
So there is a reason so many of my photos are tiny. But it is now also much easier to process photos so that is my task for the next few days. Weeks.
But I have three workshopย types to organise as well ๐ Yay ๐