Emerged slightly scathed
Emerged or ErmErGerded… out the other side of the inventory.
Reading it aloud to a not quite native speaker and both winding up not sure what language we are reading?
Anyway. I have colours, fabrics, trimming, and garments. I have included men’s and children’s gear as they are all over the house and help look for alternative spelling- or as I call it “the writer just gave up”.
That said who needs a hundred yards of linen for (specifically) small headcoverings? Apparently she did. She had more for other cloths. But mainly hats. Have I mentioned she had a lot of hats?
She had a lot of hats. Twenty in one room. They were sort of all over the house.
The dude making the inventory clearly had enough after room six and there is heaps of shorthand and he literally writes “not worth noting.” In an inventory that was pretty darn precise for the first three pages or so.