So much to update!

One of the things I had meant to do this year was to use my shiny new camera to get those studio photos of my costumes I so desperately need! And I really do.

I have tried to colour correct older photos of my costumes but it’s a stop gap*, and I really do need to get actual photos of my costumes before the end of the year.

I have loved all the photoshoots I have had but I really can’t afford to keep doing them and not also have my own photos.

It’s a credit thing- I credit everyone, I even avoid using full files on my site if I can. This is to try and make sure traffic goes to the people who are responsible for the artwork!

But I also want photos that I can share without thinking, and in full resolution.

This way I can work with photographers and also have my own record of my own work.

I also have been second hand shopping, and reading about the MGM auction, and the Debbie Reynolds’ auction and am really worried about my own work winding up hacked and cut up or destroyed once I am gone. So to this end I am also recording it so as to have a perpetual record even once they have gone.

But this is putting pressure on me to make that record perfect as well as make my work worth saving!

With dozens of costumes, this is difficult. I have made over 300 for myself or a handful of people I know (theatre too) so I already have had to accept much of my work is already gone. I don’t want the best of my work to go the same way 🙂

*my desire to be truthful but respectful has meant I have been hesitant to even correct in camera issues- eg, my Ventress looking very purple- it’s the very yellow tones of the garage that pull the other colours off) so instgram has been great for me being able to play with fixes, and thinking of them as fixes! It’s been quite freeing 🙂

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