A very good day
Today was actually quite magnificent really.
Found another big pink storage container- slowly getting a few as my bucket system is great for trims etc but most projects atm are BIG!
So after that I picked up two pairs of shoes from savemart as well as a sofa cover in faux suede, but the satinbacked stuff so is really a peachskin. Frays like heck but sits so nicely. So that will be for Ahsoka
The shoes are for my elsa shoe makeover 🙂 Three pairs made into one perfect pair 🙂
I also decided to turn another three sets of shoes into two.
I also got Ahsoka’s montral cast. And they should cure overnight as opposed to a month for Shaak Ti 🙂 So if this works I may be able to help out some others by at least have an assemble your own kit.
But on top of this all…
Yesterday I managed the first walk I have been able to in over 6 months. I haven’t really spoken much about that as it really was just too hard to think about.
But today? I jogged. Not far, in short bursts. But I did it.
I hurt a bit. But most of that is muscular from not really moving much and some is still inflammation. The infusions are the best chance I have but they are still limited by my immune system just being so determined that it is right!
Photos of shoes and Ahsoka tomorrow as I am not really up to fighting WP media uploads right now!