I finally have sleevils

Okay, stop right there.

If you have been part of the historical costuming crowd you will know exactly what this is.

If you do any sewing of upper body garments, you can hazard a really good guess what this is.

If you have no clue, and look it up, I am not talking urban-dictionary definition.


Sleevils are sleeves that are evil. or rather; fiendishly difficult.

Sleeves are tough in general. Well me me not the sleeves but how they attach, but how they attach. Modern sleeves are designed to look really pretty on a stand with no arms, historic lseeves look really odd and wrinkle under the arm because they put fabric in places where arms lengthen when we reach out or up.

I like sleeves as they challenge 2D to 3D thinking.

Armcyes are a different matter, that compound curve at the front of the armpit….

However I finally have sleevils!!! The actual making up of the sleeve part has been a nightmare and I have made so many mistakes. but they will be worth it. So pretty.

But sleevils!

And they shouldn’t be. they are not convoluted dog leg shaped, they in theory should hide a multitude of patterning sins but they don’t!

I will use that again so as to boost the ranking of the term and so boost other historic costumers in google searches.

Sleevil. sleeves and evil.


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