sunburst, I have to!
In tidying all my beads I found my pearls again. All the pearls. The Metropolitan Sunburst gown uses faceted beads so would have glittered like a glittery thing. But I am short shighted, that effect would get very lost on me, especially while working so the more solid effect of the pearls of the Kyoto version is very tempting. It may also be down to the darkening of the lined beads (not sure what metal, but given they look nearly black.. tin? Silver?)
I’m not sure if the instagram importer will work so here is a quick grab from facebook 🙂
In this photo, clockwise from top:
~super delicate cotton tulle. It wobbles so I think it may actually be rayon. It’s still a very gold colour. So to the RIT color remover
~silk faced satin (a purchase from Cynthia Settje waaaay back in 2006! So it’s kind of perfect 🙂 ) Already knocked back to gold from green, it should soften further (6 skirt panels cut and interfaced, colour removed with pre-Dye by Dylon)
~hand drawn beading pattern (pinned to the face of my front skirt panel.) This may get swapped for a scan of my scale drawing which is more accurate 🙂
~glass pearls! You have no idea how expensive glass beads have been for the decade around my start date! These were a lucky dollar store find! (24 hanks)
~silk habotai- intensely yellow- to the RIT!
~silk chiffon- looks quite lovely, much more institutional mint in reality! To the RIT!
Not shown are my sequins and lined seed beads.
I may have enough sateen to line the bodice, but there may be a little Worth construction hunting before I commit!