Cleves updates
Firstly some headgear progress 🙂 Becase my pearlwork is so dimensional I need a flat brocade front, and then am able to have a flat but slightly more texture brocade for the haub.
Then we have the brocade for the collar and neckline. Yep, pressed the brocade into a curve! Ditto for the piece above actually 🙂
I’m super happy about the collar 🙂 I keep readjusing the neckline though.
I have tried it all on and I think I’ll just do some judicious padding of my inner layers as I am rather not as wide across my chest.
The skirt has a flatlining, and I kind of wish I hadn’t but it would require some serious careful unpicking because I used a triple stitch. This makes the diagonal seams as strong as if I had used a backstitch- I’ve had side seams pop a few times and the weight of this hem would definitely do that!
And yes, I have been working on her distinctive partlet 🙂 Pearling is not going to be fun but what the hey?