catching up here and elsewhere
I mainly use Iinstagram right now- shared to twitter, facebook page, and tumblr. I used to be able to use a handy plugin to import the 750x750pxl images into my media, but can’t now. So it’s a case of remembering to batch convert a whole pile of images as well as crop them before updating 🙂
I also went through all my digital photos and put them in folders month by month, year by year. Did you know you can use command to create hundreds of files? To get to that point for yearly files has to be done year by year but basically, this works:
I changed the theme here. One small issue with my fonts (can’t seem to call on the google fonts), but it loads faster. Not in love with the blog page layout- that may be a case of changing preview image sizes. Or seeing if I can tweak the layout. But it’s clean and as close the theme I most love. But it loads faster and even editing here is a bit faster.
There have been things happening, but they deserve their own posts. While waiting for my iron and Berocca to kick in there will be an attempt!