tough time of year
This time of year is exceptionally hard. So many anniversaries and the holidays which bring their own expectations.
Last night I tidied enough to access my wardrobe which is mostly a storage/aesthetic piece (1930s oak). In there is a storage box that contains the very last pieces I own that still have Mr Boo fur on them.
And I gave up one piece as it really was time.
But I went to bed cryng, and am fighting back tears now.
I also have a stash of reusable bags that I passed through my sewing machine to get several more years use out of them. A few are covered in white cat hair. And I don’t know if it is my My boo or Mr Carlo and it just really hit hard how much a part of my life Mr Boo was.
This is the month he came into my life and the month he started to die. And it’s just such a complicated mess of emotions that it’s overwhelming. Because of course I miss him, but it also reminds me of friends and family I miss as well so it’s just… A Lot.
The Agapathus are out too. I might cut one for him.