fact checking myself

Ouch. The OCR of this is awful. But I should get it all tidied today. I’ve moved figs., page numbers and footnotes in comments but that’s not ideal but I’m doing them as an entirely separate document. once the main text is sorted.

I love the freedom a digital file offers. Printing journals to be the same physical dimensions each volume means a degree of artificial cut offs. I use inline images and quotes as I have no formatting restrictions but print? I know why they are all added at the end. In print you cut into text blocks to fit everything, so you don’t do that yourself.

I also love the ability to use all the spacing needed to make reading so much easier than paragraphs and sentences that run on over two columns of an entire page. I’ve had to copy text from journals into a text app and then use return after every full stop. Even then it’s not perfect as those long sentences are hard to break up.


I’m working on a really important outside NRW source to get a transcription to translate myself as it’s incredibly important. While there is a mistake, the rest confirms so much of what I’ve wound up with using NRW sources.