Finally some success
I had at one point decided to take all my own references out of my year by year photo archives but I think I need to keep them in that one place. It’s a record of what I knew and when. I’ve done the same with my costume photos. And I’ve found a huge lot of heavily corrupted files. I can’t tell which drive they came from. It might be the external drive it may be the drive with multiple failures. I’m checking both today. But it’s entire folders including my scanned patterns of my own work.
I also need to get some batch conversion/renaming going if I want to get my website not only back to the state it was before but better. It’s in theory a good thing to do over winter but it’s a bit chilly so I’m going to warm up while my hardrives get scanned in the background.
It’s just all very hard as my site was broken in to (nope, not through my credentials) so soon after Boo died, and now all of this while we were giving palliative care for Carlo.
So it’s all very overwhelming.
I do have so many beautiful photos of them. And of friends and family.