Is this progress?
It is, it’s just… well… batch processing images so I don’t destroy the original files still feels like it’s playing catch up. But the very sad state of my website isn’t going to get better until I have photos that are a good size for viewing, and that is about 1M which is about as much as this CMS can handle per image. I’m in the 10s of thousands of images of my own work at this point, not counting all my PS files nor pdfs nor 3D models I’ve created. Nor does it count all the reference images I’ve had to strip out of those folders until this process is finished.
But it’s so much time and so much work. I’d love to start over and go back to html, but at this point I have so many posts that are already pinned or shared or otherwise just quite highly ranked and that’s a lot of people looking for information to turn away and say ‘you don’t matter, you need to do the work to navigate my site.”
I have looked at how to convert those posts to static html, it’s not that difficult, so I can keep the slugs. It just is quite limiting going forward in terms of making over appearance to keep up with changing device use.
Okay, I was going to just batch process my early historic today, but I’ve worked my way up to sci-fi.