A day of… stuff

Mr Boo has turned around :) He is alert though he is going to be checked for anything I have missed.

Today was my day of getting xrays. Yes my wrists are worse, no I haven’t seen the radiology report. Looks like joint spaces in my fingers are thinning but they are not too bad. But my hands really do look good which may be why the insides have not really been looked at properly- all my w rays prior to 2014 were on film. I may have to actually get my splints sorted properly, including stocking up on cohesive bandages- I need soft support not rigid due to all the bones sticking out.

On the way.. oh boy. Karoro (black backed gulls) are not like the little red beaked swift winged birds, no these have wing spans of about the width of a car.. and I know this well as a juvenile went under a sports vehicle and came out the other side and still was able to fly (it happened so fast, pretty sure it got bounced under and just  barely avoided the wheels).

Also managed to pick up some large graph paper and I have been trying to make non confusing pattern diagrams. I just wound up being overly confused myself but hey :)