


I reached back a little further than 5 years šŸ˜‰ 1997-2005- but in reverseā€¦ oldest lastā€¦ and you may be lucky and I may share photos of my really earliest costumesā€¦ Grizabella/Griddlebone, ā€œwishingā€ dress interpretation and Poison Ivy. And maybe All Good Warrior Princesses Go to Heaven (which was actually based on the costume I was going to use for my sportsfighting character.. Neimhaille).

Michaela, you were just born pro at costuming.

Iā€™m preeeetty sure that Satine costume was the first thing I remember ever hearing about cosplay! Wellygeddon 2002? My first Armageddon, age 14! I went to see the voice of Gohan, somehow managed to get my parents to take my nephew and I to Wellington for a family holiday just so I could go and meet him. My nephew got him to sign a card saying ā€˜kendra u suck, luv gohanā€™.

I bought a LOT of Evangelion and Gundam Wing shit that year, wow.

Michaela plz these are too nice to be included in Throwback Thursday. We need the nasty stuff. The unflipped seams, the hot glue, the loose threads. Come ooon.

Auckland 2004 (when it was in April still I think) šŸ™‚ I used my winnings to pay for/reemburse myself for my cat’s extraordinary vet bills!

I did post some earlier ones… And I am saving photos of the very first until just before I got to bed šŸ˜‰

Basically because bad photo is very very bad.

But I was luck to also have a serious amount of research to support my first efforts. There was a very big gap between my mum sewing clothes for me as a kid and me wrestling with a sewing machine myself, but we did also have practical home ec. at intermediate so I had worked with denim and made felt toys and so had a feel for how stuff would go together. Mum tried to teach me to knit. Now that I fail at spectacularly. Tension!!!!

Never underestimate the art and crafts you do as a kid. I was forever drawing or sculpting or building in Lego. And I made one of a kind dolls so made clothes for them too šŸ™‚

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