She Lies Shattered: myibsjourney: Chronic illness is so different from “regular illness.”…
Chronic illness is so different from “regular illness.”
No one is running medicine and soup over to your house when you say you don’t feel good. No one is running you to the hospital when you’re crumpled up in pain. Doctors don’t run around you ordering immediate tests and…
This part in particular. Because you feel like crap so often people don’t come around and see how you are because they have aready done that.
I have several times where i know I should have been in hospital hooked up to either those antibiotics that actually work or at least on a saline drip but didn’t because I have learnt how to do all that stuff at home, Even though it takes longer and I feel like hell for longer weeks in fact. It’s also in part because when you rock up to ER you have to give a pain scale and I’m always.. ummm…. I can’t tell because some of those pain receptors are actually blocked due to high traffic but I can feel all the wonderful other chemical cascades going on making me unable to focus…. so ummm probably 3 and 9 at the same time?