(Photos by Sylvie of Little Noise, Kristy Glasgow, and unknown)
Status: Wearable
Year finished: 2009
To Do: ongoing repairs as always.
Updates since last photo: n/a
Inspiration: The outfit Leia wears while a spy in Jabba’s palace (if you doubt me watch the film carefully!)
October 2009
This was my first foray into using fibreglass and resin. I have long sculpted and painted one of a kind dolls from polymer clays and other media but I had yet to get involved in the molding and casting processes.
I created silicon molds with plaster jackets and used several types of resin and additive to familiarise myself with them and to learn how to use the properties of each for each part of the costume. I used matting and filler to allow a degree of non-horizontal lay ups and to reduce some weight from some pieces.
I used prosthetic aide to glue myself to the skirt plates and bikini, this allowed me to feel more secure in an uncontrolled environment.
The boots were built over the innards and soles of a pair of boots and the body was sewn from coat weight faux suede and cotton moleskin, carefully glued between the sole and insole (no raw edges showing).
My own hair was dyed and I dyed hand made hair pieces to match (isopropyl alcohol based dyes).
The skirts were made from a mechanical stretch matte satin faced silk. This was chosen as the texture was neither matte nor too reflective and had enough weight to hold up to any breezes expected on site. The original used habotai silk.
The large prop axe was created from scratch and uses a few small parts I have saved over time (broken torch, ends of silicon tubes, medicine bottles etc) as well as resin and foam board and other supplies.
This costume is registered with the Rebel legion.