New Zealand, I Am Coming To Look At You!


Leaving Tuesday, be there Wednesday, for LOOKING AT!

Who all will be at the Armageddon Expos in Hamilton and/or Wellington?

Wooohooo!!! I know Dee will be there and she has all the exite and so do I, even though I am going to be more than a tad busy with the cosplay contest (I’m the judgey mcjudgeypants- but I have awesome people helping out always 🙂 ) and always too freaking shy to go up to artists I admire (ask me about the time I maintained a 20 foot distance from Jan Duurema’s table while dressed as Darth Talon so I could duck away if I was spotted). But Dee might be Dee and push me along and I’ll say something stupid and mumble a thank you… 

Anyway, welcome to NZ in a few days! Hopefully Auckland will not be as wet as it has been. Not gonna lie, there are people about to arrive with giant sucky engines to de-ensodden our section. Just waiting for the noise and the water.

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