Look who arrived!

My birthday is the last of a series of public holidays so she arrived the day after (ie today) but she was my birthday pressie to myself.


Her armour is the perfect metallic orange but in flash it shows as red. The silver is also a warm silver in real life.

She’s part of the Super Hero Squad line but never made it here that I can tell, she was boxed with a Hulkbuster and Captain America figure so probably didn’t do too well.
On the secondary collectors market she (and all female figures) go for very high prices which is why I hadn’t got her until now. Free shipping is more of the norn for us on eBay now so no more paying high fee and double that on shipping!
Now for some blue tac to put her on my monitor.

Only problem is now I really want to make this costume as her details are perfect even if her proportions aren’t. I have the arc and solo she appears in and yeah, this is a really good sculpt. Would love to know who did it. I wonder if there is a source for finding commercial sculptors (Hot Toys do this, not sure if Hasbro et al. do.

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