Busy day!
Busy day!
Hospital appointment, cortisol test and xrays of feet and hands, done!
So I also went to Spotlight, got more lining for dress two.
Got thread for dress shell, dress lining and sewing sequins.
Got sequins to test dye and also glitter in two shades of pearl. To match the two shades of interference powders I’ll be using 🙂 Oh, next step. Transfer all my resolene to a clean container with a lid as I have no idea where the lid actually is. So, to the sequins, then to bed.
My brunchcoat is still scaring the wildlife (cheeky bird anyway- the blackbird that has discovered the places where cat biscuits will be found) but not the ducks who see the merest hint of a human form and they waddle across the driveway.
I still have a dry nose (it feels scabby, niiice) and sore throat but now I have added sore wrists. Potentially due to the distracted immune system. So it means no sewing of the velvet sack. And it is a sack. It totally relies on the interior stay tapes, weight, drape, and body underneath.
Very happy to say it does mostly taper to the hem but with the flared back and centre front. It’ll be better once hemmed- at the moment the side fronts hang on the bias so pool on the ground and drag, which pulls the hem out.
I want to do a separate hem for the lining and shell. I know the train has a band of leather/leather look but I have no idea if that will work long term.
Feeling totally not at all glam, so no photos of the test fit today 🙂 The arm openings need steaming to help the lining and shell sit away from each other. Not something I want to do with a kettle or even iron. I may have to invest in a hand held steamer. I mean it would be nice for the Mina gown as well…
Really?? There are people who enjoy chronic illnesses?
Today Mr Boo(Boo) had some minor surgery. He has growths on his ears and nose (the nose one is the worry) and they have been frozen off. His paw had several cuts on them and there was a small pocket of nasty fluid still that got aspirated. He also got his teeth cleaned and blood tests taken to check on general health.
He has been dopey and smoochy and now dopey and grumpy. But he has pain medication for the next few days as well as antibiotics.
I meanwhile may need more antibiotics. My tonsil are itchy again, my skin is gettig tiny sores all over it and I was unable to wake fully until about 1pm. Been hot and cold all day.
So, once again Mr Boo and I are on antibiotics at the same time.
Oh and I have not heard him…. pass wind.. before. But this time was impressive. Possibly part of the anaesthetic.
Meanwhile my horns look good 🙂 The prosthetics look good, my tabbard looks good. But they all need tweaking and it’s the kind of time consuming tweaking I am just too tired for.So I will have to book in again tomorrow and see if I can get a quick clinic with my GP to get more antibiotics. I’m not impressed by this infection, it’s coincided with a few insect bites and allergic reaction so… not happy Jan!
It’s taken what.. 3 years??? This is huge. Really huge. My hair does not grow quickly at the best of times (I think my record was lessthan an inch a month, which can be slower than breakages…) but my hair is staying in my scalp for longer. I have real regrowth from the last time I coloured my hair and I haven’t even washed my hair since then. OMG. To not need a hair cut and to not need to wash my hair every few days is a huge turn around!
It’s also weird that it coincides with the total elimination of prednisone given prednisone is used to stimulate hair growth.
So I’ll probably never have the super long full hair I used to have but this also means far less worry when I wear a wig, as hair pins would leaves trails and evidence.
The very first lab we did for immunology? A test for Rheumatoid arthritis and that test is an ELISA!
I was not kidding that RA was something I studied at Uni only to get it years later!
It is super unlikely this is a link btw. Even though on the 2nd page there is a very big safety warning:
And to prove this was not just a handout:
So yeah. Thanks fate.
My Dremel sanding tool works well even with the cheat sanding rings. It’s the squishiness of the tool tip itself, grippy! And that is great as there is no pressure!
I am however still on the “no idea when I’ll break” line as in hello keyboard, meet face. My spine, yeah it’s a C so what?
Anyway, to bed, and I have an appointment to see the Rheumatology dept of the hospital. It was going to be next week. At 9am. On the North Shore. I may have sounded as hesitant as I felt because I got one at Waitakere instead 🙂 Later in the month but at least I’m in the system 🙂
No idea if there is anything to be done re- the RA. Yep, the infusion may be tapering off but we’ll wait until you are showing signs before infusing again. Because it’s dangerous stuff and limited and expensive. So I get that. 🙂 Not a complaint just this is a ride I have been on a long time.
Still no word on the endo. That said, I don’t know whether to discuss anxiety. The reason being I have had moments of high anxiety. But it leads to a very different response. Being mildy claustrophobic I have indeed genuinely experienced panic cycles that take a lot to climb down from. But it really is a very different series of symptoms. Very different.
It feels like the world suddenly becomes way too busy so I shut down extremities and get tunnel vision. And the wobbling and inability to see the ground. Oh! If you do not have astigmatism or need reading glasses, it’s like wearing these when you don’t need them. I used to try on my mum’s glasses and that disconnect between what you think you can see and what your body feels is pretty much what it’s like.
So Mite 10 Mega sells Norksi brand fibreglass and that range include polyester as well as epoxy (and the aisle has info sheets on “what is epoxy” which is awesome for health and safety!
It also includes matting and fillers including one labeled as a glue powder, in smaller font that it is aerosil.
I can confirm it is indeed straight up aerosil and straight up nommy and makes for a super flexible mix! So my horns now have the sharp upper angle and deeper support and all in all look fab. And I will be able to at least cast a few horns out of the stuff without super splashy messy making.
However I cleaned my head cast while waiting and I made the mistake of forgetting the time so my jaw is out of alignment. One of my classic signs of RA activity is in my jaw. So right now my lower teeth overlap my upper because of inflammation.
I also nearly had an episode (it is a bit like being drunk but without the stuff people usually get drunk for…) okay it was an episode.
I saw the hospital GP again and basically yes, the long term steroids do mean needing extra care with infections and physical stresses so a day like today is a minor stress and still has an effect. Still in line for an endo specialist.
I feel so much lighter in my headspace though. Just being able to say and have accepted that I can do this far but no further so I can have a life and not potentially shorten my life/wind up in a coma with the few totally physically demanding things I do.
Right so I may also be channelling John Wayne in my walk, and having to take a break after each sentance for my elbows. Hands as well but mainly elbows. So definiety not supplimenting enough cortisol but it’s better to try and avoid.
Also new mineral steroid ca help raiseblood pressure which will be amazing 🙂 My BP is between 95-105/ 60-70 all the time. Been 75/? before which is a bit naff
~ S. came and took away my stash! Yay warm rescue pets or monies for rescue pets!
~Local fabric store had a small incident, will be checking in to see if all okay, 15mins earlier could have been witness for police, sigh. Sad all around.
~Geoff’s had choccie brown super soft charmeuse, easily idye-pol-ed to rich black. Only $21!
~Starbucks’ Chai surprisingly spicy (cloves??)
~Specialist visit confirmed b12, iron and BP all okay. But I had an episode at the end (kinda good that it was recorded) that got worse before I got to the train.
~Trigger finger steroid shot & local anaesthetic may have made my opposite hand numb…
~Awesome lady asked if I was okay at train stattion (in the dark) not assumed I was drunk or on drugs (it does look like that!) and got me an orange juice and offered to drive me home.
Faith in humanity restored. Massively.
Also protein, sugars and starch had. Now to a hot blankie and Mr Boo who Met New People(tm)!
That’s wonderful about the lady who helped you.
Thank goodness for the woman who took you home. Please don’t be shy about asking for help.
As yesterday was an adventure and fun but it was definitely not part of the plan for the week and so after two hours of verticality today there may be some napping going on again.
The day started with an early morning blood collection. Six vials so out came the big gauge needle. And I had to check my name and date of birth on each, which is not normally an issue except early morning are crappy and are the reason behind the need for all that blood.
Then I went to the CBD and saw Maleficent at the theatre to catch a few last costume details. It was too dark to see them, and my screen caps of the hi res trailers probbaly already gave me as much info as can be got right now. I did manage to catch one moment where the tabbard clearly separates in the castle to a cloak and robe so that has at least settled the “changed for the chase scene?” query I had. nope. I’ts just a super special cut and special method of folding so as to make the edge of the cloak hidden when not moving or not moving much.
Caught up with V (cosplay, not SCA) and we went to T2 where I managed to probably have a full banana tea latte for free before buying the stuff and now I have had four mugs at home and the whole house smells of ‘nanas. The tea is called Banana Bake so it has a few other flavours and it really works with milk and honey.
Then I was going to catch the bus home but realised The Fabric STore probably had a sale going on seeing as I missed the VIP days so on a free bus to the top of Queen St and a short walk past more roadworks and I was there.
I found the rolls of velvet. Three of the black were very definitely panne (flat pile, not crushed, not velour, just with a very distinct direction) so that was no. I think they were excluded from the sale anyway. So I did finally fine a roll that looked like it had about 10m and there was and it was $2/m cheaper and there was another meter that was too crshed to sell and it was not one of the velvets excluded! So hooray 🙂 Tabbard fabric has been got 🙂
Today is beautiful but not looking like I’ll get much done. Still not being really easily able to balance everything but I’m not feeling so depressed about it now. It’s yet another set back and literally so- pain and fatigue have already ruled out ever being in the theatre again and now this on top is putting a lot of other activities on the “wait and see” list. I may do well switching from prednisone to hydrocortisone so as to not have peaks and troughs of the stuff.
Awe poor kitty, it’s amazing how resilient animal are to health issues, especially cats. He’s is white isnt he? They do tend to get skin cancers more easily than darker colours. My old buy Chino was a pale biscuit colour with a pink nose and ears and he had a problems there. But he carried on regardless. A few times had to stop him sun bathing!