I made nothing from what I can remember. Just straight up nothing. I started the year well but with the passing of my darling Booheart I started grieving and it just never really let up. I was not able to focus through to the end of anything. And then my disease management started to peter out (as it does after 6 months) and so I never had the chance to play catch up during that time. I was just trying to keep up with health.
Oh yeah, my site was hacked and destroyed do I spent a lot of time trying to rebuild that.
I did a heck of a lot of prep work though. I got projects started, and research sorted and tidied and a huge amount of headway on my book of patterns and some very novel research, I even got a lot of costumes nearly finished.
And I cleared away a lot of stash. A lot. My studio is also back to working and there is a lot of new space 🙂
So all of these will continue through next year 🙂
Album Amicorum: started, patterns were made years ago but converting them to be hand coloured stalled- can’t find good watercolour paper that doesn’t pill. Pages on stitches put up but I may want to replace them if I can mimic 16thC hand better.
Two big research projects at the point of editing for publication. I just get myself down a citing rabbit hole. So I have had to take a break and am back to looking at layouts already established and the hook to get people interested.
Also older pages are back in my site, including scans from my Girl’s Own annuals, and pages of information from Der Bazar.
Ahsoka: patterned, leather work tooled some formed, sculpt finished, molded and three tests made. That was really a heck of a lot…
Mon Mothma: dress remade it’s far too short. Might just toss it unless someone under 5’2″ wants it! New fabric is resistant to dye remover so 6m of abstract blood orange lace anyone?
Senatorial Leia: new wig. Two lace fronts put together and the new buns look really good. Got that big central shape and a single turn around the outside. Got photos to add to my page on how to make the style. Boots to make over bought, as well as soles that are a better match (she has no separate heel) and very smooth flexible vinyl for the tops. Belt and dress got idied. I made it like 4? years ago? A. got to wear it, the belt got misplaced and I just got tired trying to replace it. But I have two full sets of plaques and buttons also to go to a new home!
Padme light blue: Well the 19m of fabric just barely made three full sets, so I do have two to go to a new home but my own has stalled due to my dress form bust being totally wrong in shape. Got to pad to body squish really.
Elsa: new cape!!! And I did finally find a source for all the thousands of sequins I want, and have tested a tool for punching tiny holes 🙂
Maleficent: New horns sculpted (I am indeed just going to smooth them, digitise them, and do textures in Sculptris. I cannot get the texture the way I want and it may get lost in digitising anyway.) Gown remade! It needs sewing and my sewing machine hates it.
Freya: leather work figured out!!!!!! Now I get to do a scaled pattern and then create a full sized template for cutting. I’ll have to be super smooth!
Cersei: I have decided to use braid as pretend embroidery, and to paint the darn lions. Maybe. It may wind up my lazy butt non decorated at all frock.
Historic Early
Princess of Cleves doublet: ready to line.
Basquina y jubon, y manga redonda (silver); lining in progress.
Saya entera (Valois): lining of skirt in progress- might be changed to something easier to sew!
Cleves velvet; new hem half done- all hand stitched, all heavy, all wibbly fabric!
Cleves accessories: pearls and leaves and sequin additions are happening!
New cleves gowns: OMG!!!!! SO inspired, actually making twonow that I will have space wil the passing on of other garb 🙂
Historic Inspired:
Mina: new bodice lining made and fitted, stay tape decoloured, extra leaves made.
Marie Antoinette: hoops nearly finished, materials gathered, skirt draped!
Satine wedding: ummmm.. potential saree for border base found and paid for- waiting for banks to send payment through tomorrow)
Satine Pink Diamonds: fabric cut, bodice lining overlocked.
Historic Late:
Robe de Style. Okay I did make this from scratch. That is one project then 🙂

Sheer dress started- princess undergown needs decolouring, and sheer layer is pinned only.
walking dress fabric set aside, pale blue striped, and embroidery relocated.
sheer saree day dress tested. Will go over the princess petticoat.
I think that is enough to try and finish…