Your Nyreen sculpt is absolutely beautiful. I hope things start working out and going better for you–you don't know me, but I'm working on a Nyreen costume, too, so I've been watching your progress and can't wait to see your final product. Thought maybe you could use some extra encouragement, one turian lady to another. <3

Thank you so much πŸ™‚ Funnily enough I have not had much relief fro the sinuses of doom, but I now have a plan for Nyreen to be finished for a major convention here: Wellingtom Armageddon. It’s far enough away that I can get used to working with foam for the armour πŸ™‚

Your Nyreen sculpt is absolutely beautiful. I hope things start working out and going better for you–you don’t know me, but I’m working on a Nyreen costume, too, so I’ve been watching your progress and can’t wait to see your final product. Thought maybe you could use some extra encouragement, one turian lady to another. <3

Thank you so much πŸ™‚ Funnily enough I have not had much relief fro the sinuses of doom, but I now have a plan for Nyreen to be finished for a major convention here: Wellingtom Armageddon. It’s far enough away that I can get used to working with foam for the armour πŸ™‚

Hey neimhaille! I love your Nyreen cosplay so far and was wondering how you mapped out the collar/chest piece? I'm making a female turian cosplay (my own original character) and was wondering if you sculpted it or if it's made out of foam? Thanks so much!

Hi πŸ™‚ And Thank you πŸ™‚ I have a fair bit of patterning experience behind me so was pretty sure going in of the final shape. I made it from heavy iterfacing. I had some left over from making Regina’s collar (from Once Upon a Time) and I had an idea of how I want the collar to sit and flare. It was a bit of cut and recut but the current shape works to sit over my collar bones on to my chest quite nicely now πŸ™‚ I’ll use the same method for the final piece as I did for Regina. One layer of the interfacing, a layer of heat n bond over each side then the fabric over each side. It welds all together nicely. I’ll possibly do Β this while letting the collar curve over my hand while ironing so to keep the shape. Or possibly also sew in some rigiline as it is very light and effective for small pieces like this πŸ™‚

Hey neimhaille! I love your Nyreen cosplay so far and was wondering how you mapped out the collar/chest piece? I’m making a female turian cosplay (my own original character) and was wondering if you sculpted it or if it’s made out of foam? Thanks so much!

Hi πŸ™‚ And Thank you πŸ™‚ I have a fair bit of patterning experience behind me so was pretty sure going in of the final shape. I made it from heavy iterfacing. I had some left over from making Regina’s collar (from Once Upon a Time) and I had an idea of how I want the collar to sit and flare. It was a bit of cut and recut but the current shape works to sit over my collar bones on to my chest quite nicely now πŸ™‚ I’ll use the same method for the final piece as I did for Regina. One layer of the interfacing, a layer of heat n bond over each side then the fabric over each side. It welds all together nicely. I’ll possibly do Β this while letting the collar curve over my hand while ironing so to keep the shape. Or possibly also sew in some rigiline as it is very light and effective for small pieces like this πŸ™‚

Hi, I've been following the construction of your Nyreen costume (which is AMAZING by the way), as I too am about to start work on one. As a sewing newbie (only used EVA goal before), did you pattern it through guess work/observation, or the model texture files? Any advice would be great, thanks!

Hi πŸ™‚ And thank you πŸ™‚Β 

I’m actually a very long time sewer πŸ™‚ And patterning is what I love the most. Long before I actually sewed it I even patterned the red dress from Dracula based only on what was available at the time (even the few exhibit photos aren’t completely illuminating (but helped solve the fastening issues πŸ™‚

Anyway so I usually start with looking at basic shapes and all possible layer and fastening options. And compare that to what I have made or even worn before. From there I either take fabric and pin to the form (direct drape) or lay out and use a flat pattern from my personal pieces (I have a nice darted bodice with works well for both fitted and semi fitted items) and then start drawing all over to find the new seam placements. I di try and make them as functional as possible. So if there is piping I will cut the fabric and insert a casing with piping in it not just make a tuck- piping is a way of sabilising a seam so if it is there, that is what it is supposed to be fore.

Also I have a stupid amount of historical and modern pattern systems in my brain to pull from when something doesn’t make sense. I highly recommend having as vast a library to pull information from as possible. I also have books on arms and armour, as well as modern and historic figurative art.
Sorry I am about to pass out in to bed after a day of sewing but I hope that helped somewhat:)Β 

Hi, I’ve been following the construction of your Nyreen costume (which is AMAZING by the way), as I too am about to start work on one. As a sewing newbie (only used EVA goal before), did you pattern it through guess work/observation, or the model texture files? Any advice would be great, thanks!

Hi πŸ™‚ And thank you πŸ™‚Β 

I’m actually a very long time sewer πŸ™‚ And patterning is what I love the most. Long before I actually sewed it I even patterned the red dress from Dracula based only on what was available at the time (even the few exhibit photos aren’t completely illuminating (but helped solve the fastening issues πŸ™‚

Anyway so I usually start with looking at basic shapes and all possible layer and fastening options. And compare that to what I have made or even worn before. From there I either take fabric and pin to the form (direct drape) or lay out and use a flat pattern from my personal pieces (I have a nice darted bodice with works well for both fitted and semi fitted items) and then start drawing all over to find the new seam placements. I di try and make them as functional as possible. So if there is piping I will cut the fabric and insert a casing with piping in it not just make a tuck- piping is a way of sabilising a seam so if it is there, that is what it is supposed to be fore.

Also I have a stupid amount of historical and modern pattern systems in my brain to pull from when something doesn’t make sense. I highly recommend having as vast a library to pull information from as possible. I also have books on arms and armour, as well as modern and historic figurative art.
Sorry I am about to pass out in to bed after a day of sewing but I hope that helped somewhat:)Β 


Currently at over 40 in progress costumes. Some of those I am passing on to others (especially smaller costume parts- underbust corset, Codex costume, Leia, padme costumes).

Photo one: stack of drawers with all my lace and most trims &Β two Asari headpieces sitting on top
Wardobe of unfinished projects (sci-fi/fantasy and historic inspired as well as one or two pieces for others).
Upper shelf of leather scraps and costumes to pass on, vintage fur coat for SCA sleeve replacement.
Very top soft foam and garment bag of feathery yarn

Photo two: Wardobe of SCA and Victorian strictly historic costumes.
Drawers of wardrobe full of notions and sewing hardware.
Stand alone shelf of beads and buckles and highly decorated pieces for in progress costumes.
Above shelf box of own drafted patterns, leaves and feathers.
Behind the empty (amen!) containers is five containers of uncut fabric you can just make out some of the top box overspill.

Photo three: my holds with three manniquins in front.

Not shown is my desk area or tool shelves. These still need a lot of work to make them usable.

Please note my current wardrobe of finished costumes is smaller than unfinished and my total costumes to date is sadly no longer able to be counted, well into the hundreds. But that includes all my really crappy work!

Also points for working out individual projects in the wardrobe πŸ˜‰ They are organised by genre (Mass Β Effect, SW, fantasy/comics, historicish).



Victorian – Christine Daae by ~glittersweet

It’s a Michaela!

Oh hey! Yes it’s a me! Sorry for tumblr name confusion- lots of people have since taken to using glittersweet as a brand since I registered my domain in 2003 so I have moved to using neimhaille more often again to actually be able to find my own stuff in search engines. A bit annoying? Yep.

Anyway, my Blue Dress from Phantom interpretation. Would like to have made it from more accurate fabrics but I rarely am able to afford fabric more than $10/m and this dress took.. umm.. 11? 12? I got it in Sweden though near where the β€œreal” Christine grew up so…


My whole life has been a lie!

My cat knows where the red dot comes from. I think that is a special kind of.. special.

That said I think he figured it out because he is getting older and really can’t be buggered running after the red dot on the wall vs attack my hand. But that’s just a theory.