



#FYI these are cats that had just been sedated at the vet

I am a horrible human being

They’re trying so hard. 

I’m not sure if the sedation thing is right – I recall someone saying that these cats were moving like some of their cats which had some kind of genetic disorder which heavily impaired their coordination, but not necessarily their quality of life.

Either way, this is hilariously adorable.

The sedation story falls apart if you have ever picked up a cat from the vet. They wait for the worst of the sedation to be over. Or if you have ever fed a cat sedation medication in order to get them to the vet- they sleep, not wobble around. My baby boy Sam had to be sedated when our family moved from the South Island to the North. With another cat and an afghan hound. I think a budgie too… He resisted and had his nose pressed against the bar trying hard to stay awake.

Unlike with humans where you go home after say… having your wisdom teeth pulled and you talk utter garbage at your minder for the day then pass out with ice in a sling around your face and your minder takes photos. Sigh. You do have to have a minder of course.

But yeah, these have a genetic disorder. You can tell they are energetic, not sedated. I hope these little ones are still okay. Their video first made the rounds a while ago.

Elissa gown photos

Elissa gown from 2003 (first five photos) to 2009 (next three photos) to 2013 (last photo).

The bodice is the same. The skirt drapery is part of a saree I totally cut up and spent hours making appliques from each and every paisley shape. All those trails of sequins were also pulled apart for extra sequin usage. I may still get working on another set of decorations (black and gold panels) as I want more flow from bodice to skirt.

I am not sure where the photos of the ridiculous net underskirt are. It packs down really well. Sadly the rope skirt and skirt parts do not. Sigh. I have checked. It is nearly my entire suitcase. Otherwise I’d have madly finished this for Dragon*Con. Sadly, no more D*C for me. That really was the grand effort of many people and I can’t ask that again. I can dream though 🙂


Elissa gown from 2003 (first five photos) to 2009 (next three photos) to 2013 (last photo).

The bodice is the same. The skirt drapery is part of a saree I totally cut up and spent hours making appliques from each and every paisley shape. All those trails of sequins were also pulled apart for extra sequin usage. I may still get working on another set of decorations (black and gold panels) as I want more flow from bodice to skirt.

I am not sure where the photos of the ridiculous net underskirt are. It packs down really well. Sadly the rope skirt and skirt parts do not. Sigh. I have checked. It is nearly my entire suitcase. Otherwise I’d have madly finished this for Dragon*Con. Sadly, no more D*C for me. That really was the grand effort of many people and I can’t ask that again. I can dream though 🙂

Woo! Finally got my pretties hanging up 🙂 a bit of swapsies so less pretty pretty costume parts are in the 24 drawers surrounding it. I may have issues with making stuff. Totally inspiring me to finish the Elissa gown 🙂

From left to right:
Lizzy Bennett stripy dress (when she see Pemberley)
Victorian hunting outfit (The basis for my Steampunk)
Imperial Officer
Reinette (Girl in the Fireplace)
Danielle (Ever After silver)
Christine’s Blue dress
Mina’s Absinthe dress
Satine’s Black Diamonds

And then my Talon lekku up top with my Shaak Ti lekku in the bag behind. In the 12 drawrs to the left are mainly SCA garb with a few cloaks (Shaak Ti and Talon) on the right 12 drawers are my various Sci Fi bits and my papery collections and then there is the china cabinet of accessories and tea trios and another box of goodies also on the floor.

Compare with the photo of 16 or so 50L containers of fabric and the wardrobe of molds and the furniture of tools…

I may just have a teeny tiny obsession with making stuff.





Spazzing… see, see multiples of the Blue Dress bodices on top skirts on bottom. Just how it was backstage at Sydney 🙂 No-one ever believes me when I said there were at least three of each part of each costume and that they were bodice and skirt separates- I got sooo close to touching one of the wedding dress bodices… but we were being led to Rob’s dressing room so I didn’t get to play. The staff there were glad someone appreciated all the work thoughXD.
Also close up of SB’s Aminta dress? Love! Especially being able to see the alignment was not quite perfect- possibly a repair? Lace snags, and hand sewing snags. 
I will not make the Aminta dress, I will not…. *twitch* I still have my Elissa gown glaring at me as I work on all this sci-fi malarky.

I do think I was wrong about the Hannibal skirts though. I think they may have been done as per the US skirts, there is a fair bit of overlap of details between the two productions.

The next time someone doesn’t believe you, throw a shoe at them. It’s pretty much common sense considering there’s a principal, alternate, understudy, etc. Also for the US versions, if you get a look at the inside, you’ll see little elastic loops in the waistline and short laces on the waistband for quick and easy attachment and detachment. 

There were costumes for alts & understudies but also in case of emergencies. Easier to grab a new skirt if a hem tears than try and repair it! The Aussie bodices were all hooked up the back with pants/skirts hooks and eyes. Basically again for quick changes- they were so rigid with interlining and boning that you could hook at waist and neck and they’d be okayish to go on….

My website seems to have died (must tackle my hosts, it started with me not being able to access cPanel now the site itself) but:
From the Midday at The Phantom: (DH+ host, SS+ Suzy Strout)
DH: You have to have replicas of virtually all these major costumes in case something goes drastically wrong.

SS: That’s right. Um Blue Dress we’ve probably got about five full sets of that. Carlotta; all of her outfits- she has six fairly stunning outfits- there’d be probably about six of those that we’ve got back there.

Which part of the lace alignment are you talking about? The only thing I can think of is where the bottom of the bodice meets the first ruffle.

Circled in pink 🙂 Having now screen capped it looks like it was deliberate given there are at least three fairly obvious clips/joins in two rows. A few seconds later and you can see the same notch in the repeat to the LHS of that 2nd row. Just so nice to see it after all these years 🙂 I’ve already graphed up a single repeat of embroidery for the newer versions (a blend of styles), but I kind of dig the old version 🙂 Also I love the netting under the newer B’way ruffles. 


I grabbed a full screen cap of it as well…. let’s see if photobucket will keep the full size…


No idea if that is clickable or not, but it is a little smaller than on my computer. Ah well.


Cabinet photograph by Evelyn & James, 1885 Wandsworth (London), Manchester Art Gallery

Full length portrait of a seated woman in mourning dress. Plain interior backdrop with a table to the left with a fur throw and a black dog. The woman wears her hair in a chignon with a brimless straw hat with a velvet band and bow. She is wearing a black wool and crepe dress with a fitted bodice with centre front buttons extending to a point and full length fitted sleeves with crepe cuffs. The bodice of her dress is made up of crepe with a bolero style front and a high standing collar. She has a bustle and her skirt is made up of crepe inserts and black silk.

Written on reverse in pencil “Mary Le Neve Foster / 1885 – or 1886 / In Mourning dress for her mother”

Someone asked what makes this a mourning gown (can’t reply to the ask specifically): it’s the use of crape. That particular kind was used only for mourning, not for fashion. There are many kinds of crepe but when you can see that very strong ripple effect even in these old photos that is a clear signal of mourning. 

LACMA example of a mourning veil showing how sheer and rippled it was.

She would have more crepe if it was her husband, and possibly a veil as well. I’m not entirely sure how ingrained morning rituals were below a certain class level where you could actually afford to go through the various stages of colour…

Also other fabrics were suitable for deep mourning, the duller the surface the better, but the crape is the definitive mourning fabric- then you could slowly add in satin and polished jet etc. as you passed through the stages.

ETA: WHOOPS! That’ll learn me 😉 The asker was not referring to this photo at all- scroll further grasshopper… 😉 Sorry Kate and asker 🙂  Leaving the info up for general info



Spazzing… see, see multiples of the Blue Dress bodices on top skirts on bottom. Just how it was backstage at Sydney 🙂 No-one ever believes me when I said there were at least three of each part of each costume and that they were bodice and skirt separates- I got sooo close to touching one of the wedding dress bodices… but we were being led to Rob’s dressing room so I didn’t get to play. The staff there were glad someone appreciated all the work thoughXD.
Also close up of SB’s Aminta dress? Love! Especially being able to see the alignment was not quite perfect- possibly a repair? Lace snags, and hand sewing snags. 
I will not make the Aminta dress, I will not…. *twitch* I still have my Elissa gown glaring at me as I work on all this sci-fi malarky.

I do think I was wrong about the Hannibal skirts though. I think they may have been done as per the US skirts, there is a fair bit of overlap of details between the two productions.

@masseffect Nyreen tunic, in pink! Love it! If the fabric was more durable this would be turned into Nyreen’s jimjams complete with pom pom slippers. Also mirrored photo is mirrored 😉

The pattern does not include a few things but this is a guide as the fabric I will be using is bulkier than the flannel and also more yielding than the interfacing. That hood… oy! I haven’t got the piping detail on there yet, I wanted the shape first. The actual fabric will drape very nicely and I’ve used it for my Shaak Ti robes and Tykhi skirt already 🙂 It also flares really nicely when bound in the silver fabric I plan on trimming this with.

Next step is to debate getting fabric custom printed or not. I may be able to find some textured lycra anyway and overdye/airbrush some shading in to it.

Rebel Legion workshop this weekend, AKL


This event will be run in Auckland (Birkenhead), but will be an all day event to make it worthwhile attending for current or prospective members who are from other regions – starting from 10am, and running through to about 5pm (…or maybe even later…might turn into a barbecue in the evening, depending on numbers). 

If you want to get advice about any costumes, help others with their costume projects, make progress on your own projects, or just swap ideas and discuss Good Guy costuming in general, this will be a great opportunity. We’ll have on hand examples of Rebel Pilots, Clones, Royalty costumes, Jedi, and more. Bring your finished or in progress costumes along for show-and-tell…we can even muster up props, droids, other costumers etc for a few photoshoots. 

Just thought I’d boost the signal again 🙂 Not sure how many people here are from NZ or Auckland specifically 🙂 I’m hoping to do a follow up workshop in a month too (hands on with latex and fibreglass for those who are okay with muck! and smell!) so would like to be able to chat one on one with people here 🙂

Easiest way to make sure the hosts know are to reblog this or PM via facebook or… sign up to the boards!!! XD But sooner rather than later please 🙂