
I’m bitching on Facebook again.

https://www.facebook.com/WLGMT is the page for the Wellington shows. It’s not the tour coming back in case anyone was wondering 🙂 Should be fun to see who gets cast and to watch the progress 🙂 Sorry, tried to reply to your ask and then post this as an ask but no links are allowed in asks. Askhats. 😉

He sighed and opened the black box and took out his rings and slipped them on. Another box held a set of knives and Klatchian steel, their blades darkened with lamp black. Various cunning and intricate devices were taken from velvet bags and dropped into pockets. A couple of long-bladed throwing tlingas were slipped into their sheaths inside his boots. A thin silk line and folding grapnel were wound around his waist, over the chain-mail shirt. A blowpipe was attached to its leather thong and dropped down the back of his cloak; Teppic picked a slim tin container with an assortment of darts, their tips corked and their stems braille-coded for ease of selection in the dark.

He winced, checked the blade of his rapier and slung the baldric over his right shoulder, to balance the bag of lead slingshot ammunition. As an afterthought he opened his sock drawer and took a pistol crossbow, a flask of oil, a roll of lockpicks and, after some consideration, a punch dagger, a bag of assorted caltrops and a set of brass knuckles.

Teppic picked up his hat and checked it’s lining for the coil of cheesewire. He placed it on his head at a jaunty angle, took a last satisfied look at himself in the mirror, turned on his heel and, very slowly, fell over.

― Terry Pratchett, Pyramids: A Novel of Discworld


Forever love this production. This is exactly what the scene is and it’s so clear and yet understated. Must watch again…..

@masseffect Nyreen warts! Or vibration sensing organs. Possibly display scales? I dunno grabbing at random from the dinosaurs (avian and non avian).

I will probably look at this in the morning and redo it all. But for now I am happy to leave this to retexturise tomorrow.

The Stash
The Molds
The Make Up, and overlockers/sergers
The Tool Chests

I figured a wee tour of my workroom was in order 🙂 To give some idea of the scale of the process before and after a costume like Nyreen, Lirar, Talon, Shaak Ti is worn 🙂

1) The stash. This is a supply of fabrics and trims collected over about 20 years. The black and yellow bins are actually in progress projects. A few are pretty much single item containers as well… One for my Think of Me gown.. one for the silly Saya y Galerilla… ehem. I have actually got rid of about half this amount again.

(Also shelves of boooooooks. Old costume books and artist specific books. Many of the books would be found in the shelves of most old school designers for historic settings- even when heavily altered). If you need one book then 20,000 Years of Fashion is the one to get. Small images but such a huge variety of good imagery of extant items and contemporary portraiture etc.)

2) Storing molds. Play spot the universe here… Lekku, armour, helmets, Slave leia.. it’s all here. And as safe as I can store them without fear of collapse.  Ultracal is heavy! Shaak Ti’s montral molds are 15kg combined (more than 30lb)

3) The orange case is full of make up and so is the black with pink trim. I don’t want to talk about collecting colours.

4) Tool chests! Or repurposed furniture 😉 The doorless wardrobe has my sewing supplies (threds, needles, scissors, notions etc.) and the chest all my traditional tools (files, knives, heat gun, dremel etc.)

And there is a roaming tv trolley with shoe projects and a roaming desk for ironing/sculpting/storage.

We are not going to discuss storage of finished projects until I get my act together  and get that storage sorted. Wigs, so many shoe boxes!


Spot (hah!) the difference? Shifting those suckers (hah!!) involved scraping the tops off then smooshing the clay back and then retexturing that half of the scalp. Which is textured differently to the warts which is different to the scales…

The bottom photos show the top fin and ear folds. The fins are still there, the folds not. I need to find my test mandibles and pin them in place to make sure they are placed just so.





@masseffect Nyreen test cast. The jaw still needs to be freed but yay! The thickness of the latex over the nose and brow ridge mean she holds hape even over my pointy nose! You can see how far her lower face sticks out though.

I’ll be resculpting the mandibles as they are a tad too wide (by barely 3mm) on the under side and the pointy ends are about 5mm too long. Looks fine with a cut edge but it looks better with a molded edge.

So, very hapy with how she is going:)
Sorry the mirror has paint on it and my workroom is cluttered. Play spot the past project in the background though 😉 Asari head butts lined up….

While I was picking the Pros-Aide off of my face earlier today, I mentioned to Alyssa that a really awesome Nyreen costume would make me drag Aria out for another photoshoot … and then I discovered this beautiful (test!!!) cast.



Can I please do this shoot? I will fly wherever I need to go. PLEASE.

So this is why I suddenly see lots of reblogs 😉 Many many apple-ogies for the bad photos!

Funnily enough I just dragged myself out to the workroom today (it’s summer and humid as heck in NZ at the moment-clay is melty so goes from great to bad to work with) and started work on the warty skull cap 😉

Okay I think I have mentally designated them sensory cell clusters and left it at that 😉 The larger ones for subsonic the smaller for ultrasonic vibrations.. I don’t know! She has a series of pangolan style scales down the back too, Turian biology is crazy 😉

So I’ll figure a way to get the next round of piccies up tonight 🙂



My first dream of the year was going to my friend Mikeys big fancy house and seeing him wear a matching coral red childrens suit with trains all over it… I was also incredibly intimidated by his parents so I wouldn’t go upstairs – that will probs be true enough. I hope to god the train themed clothing comes true.

Oh, shit. I dreamed I was in some kind of research facility being stalked by a psycopathic, robotic, blonde Mark Gatiss. Oh, dear.

Mine was “oh hey isn’t it cool we have a stegosaurus in the backyard now?”

Not even kidding.

And a million paleontologists cried out: yes please.


I really love the designs of the Dark Warhamer (fantasy) elves. I enjoyed making my 40K Wych, even though it was a FUCKTONNE of work and cans of black spray paint (I think I went through four)

(I have a huge soft spot for bikini armor designs because I am a sexy idiot :D)

There were for Warhammer Online right? I remember the witch from the 2nd trailer but also the blondie elf in some freaking pretty gear 😉 (Wytchie in the first trailer looks more like the models :). ) Love the purple velvet wytch outfit. sigh. I have some nice renders of her somewhere in my folder collcection. Not a lot of 40K stuff in that folder but there is some 😉